- Is Chaskiq Free?
- Yes, Chaskiq is free to use for you and your company under the terms of AGPLv3 License, that means you are free to use with the condition of disclose your modifications on the code.
- Can I install it in my own servers?
- Yes, Chaskiq can be installed on any VPS that meet the minimun requirements, we usually install this on Digital Ocean and Heroku.
- I don't know how to install, Do you offer support on installation?
- Yes, the premium support plan gives technical support that includes installation & upgrade support, We can install & configure on Amazon, Digital ocean and Heroku.
- What stuff do I need to install this?
- You will need a VPS provider for host the Chaskiq platform, you will need an mail server, like Amazon SES and a storage service like Amazon S3
- I need a special feature, Does this plan support new developments if I ask for?
- No, special requirements are not included in the premium support plan, and are evaluated case by case, some of them, if they are good features that might add value to the platform will be released and open sourced and some of them will be estimated properly with the client and kept as a sole product for them.
- I want to resell your software, do you offer Chaskiq as a whitelabel platform?
- We have a special license for you to build your own service and resell to your clients as a Chaskiq Partner. For inquiries please contact us via our live Chat.